Wednesday 22 May 2013

Magnetic North Soul

Spin the needle
True north or dare
To follow the magnetic pull
Of your soul
Into the blizzard
Your silhouette flickering
In the fire lit window
Growing fainter
With each step

Saturday 23 March 2013

Freediving for air

Freediving into the blue. I found abalone hiding under stones. I found waves that washed over me like days long gone. The stingrays sleeping in the sand. Tonight I fear their gracefulness in dreams of swaying kelp beds.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Black and White is a Grey Area

Color is the new black
And white photo album
Slowly fading to sepia tones
Of deaf
Our days like the smiles we only make for the camera
Concealing grey memories that burn as strong as white flame in our hearts

Wednesday 26 September 2012


Look at the time
It's now
This is when we resolarize
Falling backwards off the waterfall
Plunging deep into turquoise summer
We'll never surface again
To sit under shady trees
Waiting for another amber autumn to return

Saturday 25 August 2012

The Fading North

We fell like snow over icy shores
I still remember the smell of winter on your skin
In dreams we forget every morning

Wednesday 25 April 2012


White on white
Against the frozen sun
Our minds eye burns from the brilliance
Of memories never shared
Lost under weeping snow drifts
In this icy desert we call home

Monday 19 March 2012


Will we ever find our way back from strangeways?

When we passed our fingers through the candle flame

And no one cared and there was no one to blame

And the light at the end of the tunnel was the gravy train

That we rode again and again

Waving goodbye to lovers we left behind